• 1. Collect discarded brain tissue from patients during neurosurgery.

    • 2. Block the tissue.

    • 3. Cut thin slices at 0 degree.

    • 4. Incubate slices at 35 degree.

    • 5. Visualize slices in a submerge chamber.

    • 6. Record at body temperature.

7. Cortical slices that maintained in modified ACSF can generate spontaneous recurrent network activities (Sanchez-Vives and McCormick, 2000 Nat. Neurosci.; Shu et al., 2003 Nature).

Copyright 2020, all rights reserved. Laboratory of Neural Excitability and Neuromodulation,Institute for Translational Brain Research, Fudan University.
Designed by Jun Yang: yangjun85824@163.com. Updated by Suixin Deng: sxdeng@mail.bnu.edu.cn.