McCormick DA, Shu Y, and Hasenstaub A (2003) Balanced recurrent excitation and inhibition in local cortical networks. Book chapter in Excitatory-inhibitory balance: synapses, circuits, and systems plasticity. Edited by T. Hensch. Kluver Academic Press.
Shu Y (2008) Recurrent Cortical Network Activity and Modulation of Synaptic Transmission. Book chapter in Seizure Prediction in Epilepsy. Edited by B. Schelter, J. Timmer and A. Schulze-Bonhage. WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Hu W and Shu Y (2012) Axonal Sodium Channels and Their Role in Action Potential Initiation and Propagation. Book chapter in Progress in Neurophysiology. (Chinese)
Shu Y (2022) Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, Fourth Edition. Editor of chapters three and four. (Chinese)
Hasenstaub A, Shu Y, Haider B, Kraushaar U, Duque A, McCormick DA (2005) Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials Carry Synchronized Frequency Information in Active Cortical Networks. Neuron.Doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2005.06.016
Shu Y, Hasenstaub A, McCormick DA (2003) Turning On and Off Recurrent Balanced Cortical Activity. Nature.Doi:10.1038/nature01616
Shu Y, Hasenstaub A, Badoual M, Bal T and McCormick DA (2003) Barrages of Synaptic Activity Control the Gain and Sensitivity of Cortical Neurons. Journal of Neuroscience.23: 10388-10401
McCormick DA, Shu Y, Hasenstaub A, Sanchez-Vives M, Badoual M and Bal T (2003) Persistent Cortical Activity: Mechanisms of Generation and Effects on Neuronal Excitability. Cerebral Cortex. Doi:10.1093/cercor/bhg104
Shu Y and McCormick DA (2002) Inhibitory Interactions between Ferret Thalamic Reticular Neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology.Doi: 10.1152/jn.00850.2001
Zhou ZS, Shu Y and Zhao ZQ (2000) Neomycin Blocks Substance P-induced Calcium Entry in Cultured Rat Spinal Cord Neurons. Neuroscience Letters.Doi:10.1016/S0304-3940(00)01135-6
Chen Y, Shu Y and Zhao ZQ (1999) Ectopic purinergic sensitivity develops at sites of chronic nerve constriction injury in rat. Neuroreport.10(13): 2779-82
Shu Y, Zhao ZQ, Li MY and Zhou GM (1998) Orphanin FQ/nociceptin Modulates Glutamate- and Kainic Acid-Induced Currents in Acutely Isolated Rat Spinal Dorsal Horn Neurons. Neuropeptides.Doi: 10.1016/S0143-4179(98)90087-7
Shu Y and Zhao ZQ (1998) Comparison of NMDA and Non-NMDA Receptor Antagonists-induced Inhibition in Hindpaw Withdrawal Response to Noxious Thermal Stimulation. Acta Physiologica Sinica.50(3): 337-340
Tao YX, Shu Y, Wang GD and Zhao ZQ (1997) Substance P and CGRP in Electrophysiologically Identified C and A-fiber Neurons of the Dorsal Root Ganglia of Cats in Vivo. Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy.13(1): 15-18
Wang GD, Zhou ZS, Shu Y and Zhao ZQ (1997) Electrical Activity Mediated by GABAA and GABAB Receptors on Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons in Adult Animals. Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy.13(2): 95-101
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